Unawareness brings uneasiness, a sense of being lost, and one has the tendency to focus on the negative side of the story. Furthermore, if we don't understand how a person functions we can't help him.
Why not bring more awareness of the different learning styles and use all our energy on positive matters by focusing our attention on somebody's strengths and uniqueness so they can fully develop in the person they really are.
"The universe is not going to see someone like you again in the entire history of creation" - Vartan Gregorian
Dyslexia has some disadvantages but also positive characteristics
Having a learning disability doesn’t need to be a disadvantage; it’s just a different learning style. Why not approach learning disabilities from their advantages instead of their disadvantages. For instant dyslexia has a nice collection of strengths. There are many famous people with dyslexia, like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Winston Churchill, George Patton, Jackie Stewart, etc. They are a living proof that learning differences can be a serious advantage. Furthermore, those advantages are in demand in the information age, and this trend will grow further.
To name a few creativity, being holistic ... There is already a great demand for creative and problem solving abilities, and the demand will become even bigger in the future. We can provide humanity with all those important abilities who are already there. We only need to be nurturing them, so they have the opportunity to shine and to serve humanity.
"In the year 2000 an illiterate person will not be someone who can't read or write, but someone who is not able to learn, unlearn and learn again." - Alvin Toffler,
The environment
Parents and teachers can contribute to the happiness of the child with a learning difference. By having more awareness and understanding of those learning differences, we would be better equipped to help. We could adjust the education methods to their learning style, nurture their abilities and give the child our trust, so it doesn’t lose its self-confidence. Therefore, the child will be able to reach its potential, which is the highest goal of human development.
It has been said of him "the boy may have been a misfit in school, but he was a born businessman. Much of his success is due to the fact that he is a non-linear thinker." -- Paul Orfalea, founder of Kindo's and famous dyslexic.
One can alleviate the downsides of the learning difference, when adopting a suitable learning style and using the advantages of the learning difference.
"Plato believed that children are born with special talents and that their training should stress those talents. His views are consistent with modern thinking about individual differences and education. Aristotle proposed methods for observing children."
If one develops in a positive, supportive and optimistic surrounding, where one receives understanding and respect as an individual; it's more likely one will develop in to self-confident person.
The person will be more focused on his strengths and successes no matter how small they are; they will give a positive energy and the possibility to accomplish more. Even to tackle the disadvantage of the learning disability.