How to develop potential
We can prevent frustration and helping children with dyslexia to achieve their potential, if we keep the following points in mind.
Be positive. Having dyslexia does not have to be a negative experience: it all depends on how you look at it, on your own view. It can become a disadvantage when you are not informed and/or focus on the negative side of the coin. However, when you focus on the positive sides you will see bright possibilities and a lot of potential.
Alleviate the disadvantages. Once you are informed about the learning disability, you are equipped to alleviate the disadvantages and nurture the strengths.
Understand the learning disability = understanding how somebody functions. It’s easier to give or to receive help, if we understand the situation. As a result:
- There will be less frustration for all those who have to deal with it.
- One will become more positive and proactive.
- Furthermore, it will be easier to look for suitable help.
Trust their abilities and strengths. If we trust in their abilities and strengths, they will gain confidence and build self-esteem. Be positive and nurture their strengths.
Inform the child. In doing so, they will understand why certain things happens to them and why they have some problems in certain area's. Being dyslectic myself I can only confirm "knowing how you function" is a great help.
Assure the child it is not stupid. It has just a different learning style than most other kids. Explain to them they have certain strengths, which will boost their self-confidence.
"Life is very interesting, if you make mistakes." - Georges Carpentier
Great examples. Use the list of famous people with learning disabilities as examples to motivate and boost their confidence.
Adjust the education method. Use the strengths to alleviate the downsides of dyslexia. Keep in mind that drill or repeat won't work, quite the contrary. In addition, if we try to change the child in such a way that it adapts to the education method, it will lose its self-confidence and identity.
"When I found out I was dyslexic, my parents got me a lap-top computer. That was great!" - Scott, Pop Group 'Five'